Is Your Bra Sabotaging Your Lymphatic System?

The short answer - yes.


ou probably already realize that bras restrict circulation and flow in your body. We’ve all had those unsightly bra marks (you know the ones - the red indentations once you take off your bra) on the tops of the shoulders, across the bust line, or worse yet, just in front of the underarm area. They’re not pretty, but there’s more to it than aesthetics. The tightness of your bra around your bust and underarm is likely restricting the flow to your lymph nodes. Located in the underarm region on both sides, these nodes are responsible for filtering out toxins that may lead to illness. So the restrictiveness of a bra - especially a sports bra - can lead to a slow-moving lymphatic system and toxins pooling in the area.

In case you missed it on our Instagram post - many deodorants may already be causing toxic buildup around this area with serious impacts on your health.


So What Can You Do?

We get it that you may need to wear a bra to go out. But what about when you’re at home on the couch or sleeping? You can probably forgo the additional support and allow your body to really do the most with those moments at rest. If you truly need the support for wellness reasons - try opting for a fitted camisole or a top with a built-in shelf. Be sure to select one as loose-fitting as you’re able and avoid underwires.

Bonus benefit

Without the constant support of a bra, your chest muscles will have to activate and support the breast tissue. The result? Perkier breasts over time.

“Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

- Denis Rouillon, a sports science expert from the University of Besançon, France concluded after a 15-year study of the subject.


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Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio

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