
Body Sculpting and Shaping services

We believe in body rituals that smooth, shape, and transform. Our menu offers new technologies such as laser therapies and sculpting devices alongside mindful beauty processes like body cupping to deliver results.


our menu

01 ― Body Sculpting

Sculpt and Shape

Our shaping services help you to smooth, sculpt, and love your curves - no gym membership required.

We work with EmSculpt NEO and manual lymphatic sculpting to help you achieve a lifted, firm body without the risks of surgery.

02 ― Detox


By releasing these toxins, we create a harmonized environment for our body to function at its highest capacity.

Detoxing the body can be achieved through many modalities. We can pair the detoxification process with an aesthetic sculpting service, or pull from ancient healing for a holistic approach. In any case, the goal is to release stagnant fluids and toxins from the body.


If you don’t see the appointment type below, it may require a consultation. Please reach out via text or book a consultation.

available packages
*additional packages may be available after an initial consult

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a full body transformation

ancient practices. advanced technology.

Our body service menu offers the latest technology to help you achieve your body goals & long-standing practices to balance and restore.

Not sure where to start? Reach out with questions or specific needs.

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