
holistic beauty and wellness

We believe that radiance comes from balancing beauty rituals and energetic practices. Our lifestyle menu offers beauty services that will help you turn inward to build your glow. From acupuncture to energy healing, we work with you to harmonize your internal needs with your external aesthetics.
Are you ready to raise your frequency?

 Align. Energize. Amplify.

Our Signature Holistic Service

Looking for a service that combines multiple holistic practices? Our combined modality appointments offer 2 or more practices of your choice or by practitioner recommendation during your session. It’s a perfect option for those who aren’t sure where to begin as well as those who love multiple practices and wish to make the most of their sessions. Ike, our resident healer, will use your appointment to listen to your body’s energy and use their expertise in Eastern medicine and energetics to align, lift, and amplify.

our menu

01 ― Acupuncture


Rooted in ancient practice, acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. These needles are used to stimulate qi, or energy, flow through the body. It can be used to alleviate physical and emotional stresses as well as promote better energetic flow.

02 ― Tension Release

Tension Release

Achieve deep relaxation and vibe higher in your daily life These services work with your physicality and energy to release tension, restore Qi. The result is a balance of both mind and body.

03 ― Detox


A holistic approach to detoxification of the body. These services aim at releasing stagnation and toxins within the body through eastern medicinal practices such as cupping or lymphatic massage. Unlike our body services, these are focused on wellness over aesthetics.

not just skin deep.

energy and aesthetics for bold women.

Your self-care routine is not just about topical solutions - it’s about developing routines that make you feel as incredible as you look. Our holistic approach supports you as you define your own rhythms and harmonies. From tuning forks to crystal, we’re here to help you find the right frequency to feel your best.

Not sure where to start? Get in touch to discuss the best option for you.

the latest from the wellness journal