Grounding: why it’s the wellness ritual everybody needs to practice

Balancing our energy can often seem abstract and complicated. But there are several ways that we, as humans, have to help us restore proper energy balance. One of them is “grounding”.

Grounding, sometimes called “earthing”, is what happens when we connect with the earth’s energies. The simplest form involves being barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand. Something that in earlier years probably happened often and without thought, we may have to consciously make the effort to do now. Letting our bare feet hit the earth sans shoes, socks, patio paver, or cement seems to happen less and less in our adult lives. But the benefits of grounding are proven and scientific. Humans are bioelectrical beings and we carry a positive charge, which can build up in our bodies. Earth has a negative charge. When we practice grounding, we are able to discharge our excess energy, producing a healing effect at the cellular level. Our energy is brought back to a proper balance.

The benefits of grounding

reduce cortisol

relieve chronic fatigue

relieve anxiety and depression

Supporting grounding as a tool for pain relief and mood-boosting, one study looked at 16 massage therapists who all complained of chronic pain and physical and emotional stress. After grounding, every participant reported a decrease in pain, stress, depression, and fatigue.

reduce inflammation

decrease pain

increase healing speed

Grounding has been studied for its pain-relieving and healing abilities. One study used grounding to understand its effects on post-exercise muscle damage. They measured creatine kinase, white blood cell counts, and pain levels, before and after grounding. Results demonstrated that grounding reduced muscle damage and pain.

increase energy

restore balance to the body

improve cardiovascular health

In another study with 10 healthy volunteers, blood measurements were taken before and after grounding to detect changes in red blood cell fluidity. After grounding, the body showed a major decrease in blood cell clumping.

Putting it into practice

Take yourself back to your childhood for a few minutes and allow yourself to connect with the earth. The goal is to allow your skin to make contact with the natural ground. Even simply pressing your hands firmly against the earth can have an impact.

  1. Try laying in the grass while meditating or practicing your breathing.

  2. If you prefer an active approach, walk through a park or your yard sans shoes (but be sure to watch where you step). You could also swim in a natural body or water - an ocean or lake- to rebalance your charge.

Prefer to stay indoors?

Does rolling around in crisp fall leaves or walking barefoot sound less than relaxing? Don’t worry. There are grounding mats and devices you can buy to help your body discharge excess energy without grass stains or dirt under your toenails.

See our recommendations below

Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio

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