Holistic Sessions


Pre and post care guide

As you start to prepare for your holistic treatment, we have some advice and tips for making the most of it.

Below you will find practical advice alongside healthy suggestions

the week of your session



Drink at least half of your body weight in water.
For example, if you are 150 pounds, drink a minimum of 75 oz of water (around 10 cups).

Water will expedite the elimination of toxins. It will also help to prevent a headache. We are moving fluids and stagnant toxins in our session. Hydration is key to your body being able to easily expel these toxins. If you are dehydrated, you may feel ‘hungover’ after your session.

Plus, drinking the appropriate amount of water can raise your metabolic rate by as much as 7%.

***Start drinking this amount of water at least 48 hours ahead of your appointment and continue for 7 days. This will allow us to move the most fluid and for you to fully detoxify afterwards.


Eat clean food during your treatment schedule- no processed junk.

We want to make sure that you get the most out of your treatment. Clean foods will help support your body’s immune, metabolic, and lymphatic systems to function at their highest levels.


  1. drink green tea

  2. stay away from dairy- it can cause inflammation

  3. avoid hot yoga and sauna for 24 hours before and 72 hours afterwards

  4. body will eliminate for 10 days afterwards

the day of your session


what to wear

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to and from your appointment. We don’t want to get everything moving and then restrict lymph flow. Loose-fitting clothing for the entire day would ideal.

water. water. water.

after or between your sessions



It’s important to move to help the body easily eliminate toxins and puffiness.
Take 30minutes for a simple, beginner-level yoga flow or a strength training session with light weights.

  • avoid strenuous, high-sweat activities such as hot yoga, cardio, or sauna sessions for 72 hours to avoid changing the flow built during the session


Stretching helps to provide oxygen to muscles and stimulate circulation. More oxygen to your muscles can reduce lactic acid production and rid your muscles of any accumulation of lactic acid.
follow this 15-minute stretch routine to get started


Manifesting and positive affirmations can be used as tools to help you get in the right mindset for change.
Try a meditation app like HeadSpace to help build mindfulness. (Learn more about mindfulness and weight loss here or here.)

A few things to avoid

  • no massage afterward for 5 days

  • no flying for 48 hours pre and post first sessions - In some cases, the moving of toxins may cause dizziness or ‘hangover-like’ results


Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio


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