BBL & Profractional Combined Laser Therapy


Pre and post care guide

As you prepare for your lasering session, we have some advice and tips for making the most of your treatment. Below you will find practical advice alongside healthy suggestions to help you achieve the transformation you’re hoping for.

01. PREPARE the days before your laser treatment

What to know

BBL is a non-invasive, gentle procedure that requires practically zero downtime. In most cases, people can resume their daily routine without any interruptions.

prior to your session, spend a few days preparing your skin with the following advice

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications. Over-the-counter medications that rely on blood thinning should be avoided. We will numb your skin topically before your session begins. Please consult your physician if you are taking Aspirin for medical reasons!

  • Avoid topical “anti-aging” and “acne” products for three days prior to your appointment. These may cause irritation or sensitivity during your laser session.
    specifically ingredients such as: Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Acne creams, and gels

  • Do not use P50 for a day or two before your session.

  • Use a moisturizer with 30+ SPF to protect your skin from sun exposure. If your skin has recently tanned or has even the slightest sunburn, it will affect your treatment.

  • Drink water before and after your treatment. We want to make sure your skin is at its best and ready to recover quickly for the best results.

  • Avoid scented lotions or soaps as well as physical exfoliation such as loofa sponges, aggressive scrubbing, and shaving.

  • Come in with a clean face. Be sure your skin is free from makeup or excess products when you arrive for your treatment.

  • No alcohol 48 hours prior

  • No alcohol afterward to avoid a ‘hangover’ feeling and dehydration

  • Avoid sugar

  • Avoid dairy for 24 hours beforehand

  • Do not eat high sodium meals 72 hours pre of post-treatment session

  • Please change to stop retinol and P50 7 days prior to treatment

  • Can resume the following day after treatment

  • No antibiotics for 2 weeks

02. POST-SESSION after and between your sessions

What to expect

  1. Intense burning, redness, warmth, and a sunburned sensation are normal responses following ProFractional™ resurfacing. The discomfort and redness generally last 2-8 hours after the procedure. Cool compresses with a damp, soft cloth for 10-20 minutes at a time may help relieve the temporary discomfort. Tylenol can be taken as directed for pain.

  2. The skin may appear red and swollen and have a mild sunburn sensation. This is normal. It can last from a few hours or a few days after treatment. Applying an ice pack for the first 24 hours will help minimize swelling.

  3. On rare occasions, when areas around the eyes are treated, there is a possibility of prolonged swelling which may last up to one to two weeks. If this occurs it is recommended to sleep upright on your back with a few extra pillows

  4. Avoid exfoliants, scented lotions, and aggressive scrubbing.

  5. Freckles and sunspots may turn darker initially and then flake off within 7-14 days for facial treatments and 4-6 weeks for body areas. This is a desired and normal reaction. You may notice small flecks of pigment on the surface of the skin. They often look like coffee grounds. This is your skin expelling the excess pigment. Do not try to scrub this off or pick at it. It will naturally rinse off with a gentle cleanser (like Lait milk cleanser) during your regular skincare routine. The full effects of your BBL treatment depend on you allowing the skin to heal and rejuvenate itself. 

  6. Within 48 hours the redness will have significantly improved. The day after the procedure, your skin may feel tight, swollen, or itchy.

  7. Some patients will wake up with facial swelling, particularly around the eyes for several days following the treatment. This is normal and usually resolves within 3-5 days.

  8. Makeup can be used on the third day after the procedure. Caution should be used when applying and removing makeup. The treated area may be delicate and should be treated with care.

  9. For patients who have a history of frequent cold sores, you should be taking an anti-viral medication such as Valtrex or Famvir for 5 days after the laser peel.

  10. Remember, ProFractional™ resurfacing typically requires multiple treatments to achieve the desired results. ProFractional™ stimulates collagen remodeling in the skin that occurs over a 3-6 month time period.

Contact Us If…

In case of itchiness, swelling, or tenderness for an extended period of time (7-14 days), it could be a symptom of an allergic reaction. If a large area or entire area has blistered then contact the office immediately.



  • Step one in your aftercare regime is staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water and be sure to keep your skin moisturized.  

  • In the event that you experience any peeling, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor and/or anti-scarring solution for one week or until the dermis heals completely. If swelling occurs, apply a cool compress for five to 10 minutes as needed.

  • Aquaphor or Vaseline should be applied constantly during the first 3 days. It is important for the treated area to remain soft and pliable during healing. The skin should not be allowed to dry out.

allow your skin to heal

  • Refrain from scratching, rubbing, or picking at the treatment site until your skin heals entirely. It’s common that brown patches or spots will look darker after your treatment, but it’s absolutely imperative that you do not pick or scrub these spots.

Stay Hydrated

  • Within the first few days after your treatment, dry skin is fairly common. Hydration is a key element during your BBL aftercare period. Water is the answer to many of our skincare concerns. 

Avoid chemical or temperature exposure

  • If possible, take care to avoid chemical exposure such as swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine.

  • Use tepid water. If possible, stay in a comfortable environment and take care to avoid excessive heat or chill.

  • Stop retinol and P50 7 days prior to treatment. Avoid use of P50 and topical skin care products containing Retin-A, retinol, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid for 1 week. post-appointment

  • Quick cool to warm showers are recommended for the first 3 days.

  • Aerobic exercise, saunas, and hot tubs should be avoided for 3 days.

Avoid Direct Sun Exposure 

  • It’s important to note that prolonged sun exposure should be avoided for four weeks before and after treatment. When you do step outside, use both a sunscreen and hat if possible.

  • This is why we typically suggest your laser treatments are scheduled in the fall and winter months.

Pain Relievers

  • If you experience persistent pain, aloe vera with lidocaine is available over the counter can be applied to the treatment area.

Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio

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