EmSculpt Neo: how it’s changing everything about body sculpting
It’s that time of year again where you try on all of last year’s clothes and swimwear to see if anything is salvageable. And maybe - after quarantine, pandemic stress, virtual learning, working from home, and the dawn of ‘get anything delivered’ - things just don’t seem to fit the way we remember.
So here we are- taking up a pilates class or ordering home gym equipment to try to rebound. But what if there was a quicker, less time consuming way to reach your goals? Well, we’d like to introduce your new trainer, the EmScuplt Neo. This machine offers hard core results with zero downtime. It blends high intensity muscle toning with fat reduction to offer targeted results. The best part is that you can see results in as little as four, 30-minute sessions. Keep reading to get to know the trainer and why we’re obsessed.
First things first- What exactly is this body toning machine?
EmSculpt NEO is a non-invasive body shaping treatment that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building. It emits both radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies into the targeted area for maximum effectiveness. The end result is fat reduction alongside muscle growth.
EmSculpt NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF (radiofrequency) and HIFEM+ (high-intensity electromagnetic energies).
Fat Reduction
The radiofrequency causes warmth and heats the treatment area. Think of it as your warmup to loosen your muscles to prepare for your workout. This heat cycling also causes apoptosis - where the fat subcutaneous fat cells are broken down and discarded from the body.
the clinical notes
on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat
Muscle Toning
HIFEM+ energy causes heavy contractions in the muscle fibers. Not only are these contractions happening while you’re in a relaxed position, but they are stronger than can be achieved with voluntary muscle exercise. The extreme stress of the contraction forces the muscle to adapt. The result is an increase in the number of muscle fibers and cells and increased growth.
The Clinical notes
on average a 25% growth in muscle volume
A celebrity best-kept secret, Emsculpt NEO is the most advanced body contouring treatment on the market. One session is billed as being the equivalent of 20,000 manual crunches or squats thanks to its combination of electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency stimulation – let’s face it, it would take the fittest among us a long time to complete that many. Offering the taut, lifted effect offered by regular, rigorous exercise, it’s a brilliant treatment for strengthening the muscles, including the core, arms and legs, while simultaneously reducing fat on the body. It’s not painful, either.
Beyond The Traditional Use Cases
As if getting swim-season ready isn’t reason enough to schedule your visit, there are other uses for the EmScult Neo that make it perfect for those who may not be concerned about aesthetics. Below are a few of the unexpected uses for the Neo and why it may be the perfect non-invasive option to help you feel more confident in your body.
Not only are the treatments especially good for women who want to restore bladder and muscle control, but they could also help give you more intense orgasms…
female incontinence
We know - not the dreamiest or most glamourous topic. But we also know that it affects 1 in 4 women in the US. That’s too many of us who are struggling with no clear solution in sight. So how does the Neo come to play? By tightening the pelvic floor muscles, women are able to take back control. The best part? No dangerous mesh, invasive procedures, or adult diaper in sight.
Post Procedure Firming
If you’ve gone under the knife for liposuction or other body sculpting treatments, you might be struggling to tighten and firm the area post-surgery. The Neo can help to smooth out the area and tighten the underlying muscles for a massive post-operative result.
Post Pregnancy or Hysterectomy
After giving birth or having a hysterectomy, the lower abdomen can be softer than we’d like. The muscles may have stretched and it feels like no pilates class is able to firm them up again. We can use the Neo to target this area and strengthen the lower abdomen, bringing it back together and tightening the area through muscle toning and fat reduction.