9 ways to detox - and why now is the perfect time for it

You may think of detoxing as part of your springtime beauty routine, but winter is actually the perfect time to bring in detox rituals to your routine. For one, we tend to overindulge during the holiday season. We all know it’s easier to maintain than to attempt to rewind after several weeks of champagne and pie.


So instead of waiting until you feel the effects, let’s be proactive in our detoxing. Here are 9 ways you can uplevel your detox plan this winter - and on into the spring by following 3 simple steps.

FIRST watch your intake

Water plays a huge role in our body’s ability to detoxify and recover. Whether it’s one too many glasses of wine or a sluggish digestive system, water can work magic for the body. The result is a more purified system that radiates from the inside out.



Drink water.

You should be drinking half your body weight in water every day. Of ocurse, lifestyle does have an impact on the amount you need. But using this measurement will keep you on track.


Eat your hydration.

Eating water-rich foods can help boost your hydration as well as provide essential nutritional benefits for body functions and skin.

learn more ….


Boost your water

Since you’ll be drinking more water anyways, you might as well supercharge it. By adding trace minerals like fulvic acid, you can make your water do more to detoxify.

read more about our favorite water additive on instagram


THEN support your lymphatic system

You know we could talk about the importance of the lymphatic system all day (and night) long. But we’ll just briefly remind you why.

Your lymphatic system is responsible for expelling toxins that build up in our systems. When it’s not operating at full capacity, you’ll notice inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and overall sluggishness. Or you may be so accustomed to it being slow, that you don’t notice - which is even worse. When we promote movement of the lymphatic fluid through the body, we are releasing stagnant fluids so they can be processed by the body and eliminated.



Dry Brush

Dry brushing is a way to gently massage and create movement in our lymphatic system. The gentle brushing strokes work to promote blood flow, exfoliate the skin, and massage stagnant lymphatic zones. It’s easy to do and can also be quite relaxing.


develop a practice

Follow our favorite morning rituals to stimulate your lymphatic system- a combination of movement, massage, and breathing.

read more on instagram


Lymphatic Body Sculpting

Want to really move your lymphatic fluid - and get a visibly sculpted body in the process? Come in for a lymphatic body sculpting treatment and we’ll manually sculpt your body and push excess fluids to detoxify and de-puff. You can even take it a step further by adding an EmSculpt NEO session for burn fat and build core strength.


FINALLY draw out the toxins

Whether at home of in office, there are several treatments to help you draw out the toxins in your body. From coffee enemas (ask Nicole in the office if you’re curious), to cupping, pulling impurities can make a huge impact on your overall health - and radiance.




Body cupping, or therapeutic cupping, is used to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, lymph cleansing, and as a form of deep-tissue massage. The process draws impurities to the surface while increasing blood flow to the area.


Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs have the ability to promote healing and reduce inflammation. They may also help improve elimination and circulation, especially of the lymphatic system by stimulating lymph and liver function.


AN underarm detox

The major nodes of the lymphatic system live just beside your underarm area. By pulling out toxic buildup naturally, you can give your lymphatic system support - and deter underarm odors.



how are you detoxing this winter?

start the conversation on instagram or leave your tips below

Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio


Explained: 3 Types of Moisturizers


Castor Oil Packs: the how and why of this natural detox