Sun-Worshipping: Why You'll Find Us Basking in the Sun This Summer

a ritual guide to summer, part 01 

There really is no feeling like the warmth of the sun falling across your face. After a long winter, those rays feel like hope, positivity, and a call to appreciate the world outside of our perfectly-curated homes. But beyond the glorious feelings the sun gives us, it's also, literally, giving us life.  From beauty benefits to chemical changes, the sun has more to offer than a bronzed aesthetic.   


Why We Worship the Sun
Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight is more than just a source of light; it is a powerful healer and mood booster. Here are a few compelling reasons why we should embrace the sun in our daily lives:

  1. Immunity Boost: Sunlight helps your skin produce vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function.

  2. Mood Enhancement: Sunlight increases serotonin levels, improving your mood and promoting a calm, focused state of mind.

  3. Skin Health: Moderate sun exposure can help treat and prevent certain skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

  4. Circadian Rhythm: Sunlight exposure helps regulate your body’s internal biological clock, improving sleep quality by influencing the pineal gland, which produces melatonin.

  5. Grounding: Spending time outdoors allows for grounding, where connecting your bare feet to the earth facilitates the transfer of negatively charged electrons into the body.


What Rays Are You Catching? 
The Red Light Connection to Natural Sunlight

Did you know that sunlight is 50% in the red light/infrared range? This means that just a few minutes of natural sunlight exposure can offer some of the same benefits as red light and infrared treatments. These wavelengths help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, improve cognition, reduce depressive symptoms, enhance skin conditions, and expedite post-exercise recovery. Embracing natural sunlight can be a game-changer for your overall health and beauty regimen. Plus it's way more fun than wearing your red light mask while you bury yourself in the couch and binge the latest tik tok wellness trends (no judgement).


How Much Sun Do You Need?
30 is the Magic Number

Just 20 minutes of sunshine per day can trigger your body to release over 200 antimicrobials that fight fungi, parasites, and viruses. To reap the benefits of sunlight, aim for at least 15-30 minutes of exposure daily. This duration helps ensure you get enough vitamin D and other benefits without overexposing your skin to potential harm.


But isn’t spray tanning healthier?
Spray Tan vs. Sun Tan

Spray tans might seem like a quick fix for an even glow, but you won't catch us in the mist. The chemicals used to create the bronze-in-a-bottle tanners are not healthy when they make their way into the body.  And they will be absorbed through the skin, our largest organ, and picked up by the lymphatic system.  And maybe you have a very healthy lymphatic flow with minimal toxicity, but is it worth adding any toxins for a quick glow?

Toxic overload in the lymphatic system can result in pigmentation issues, cellular damage, and cellulite. Instead of increasing your toxicity for a tan, consider natural sunlight for a healthier, more sustainable glow.


Going Sans Sunscreen
Why We Don't Apply Sunscreen Daily

While sunscreen is essential for prolonged sun exposure (read: poolside cocktails, boat parties, or beach days = sunscreen), we don't advocate for slathering it on daily. Sunscreen can block the beneficial effects of sunlight, including vitamin D production. Plus, it is pumped full of intentional (and accidental) toxins that will burden our immune system, liver, and lymphatic. Instead, aim for short, controlled periods of sun exposure without sunscreen to harness the benefits without the burn. 


Embracing the sun's light can profoundly impact your health and beauty. From boosting your mood to enhancing skin health, the sun is a powerful ally in your wellness journey. As the poet John Lubbock once said, "Sunshine is a delicious thing; it is the precious life-giving tonic." So, step outside, soak up the rays, and let the sun work its magic on your mind, body, and soul.


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